Contact Us

03 8418 3937
0401 866 440


3/30 Bridge Street, Eltham 3095

Online Enquiry

* Required fields


  1. complete our online enrolment form below
  2. ensure you read and acknowledge that you understand our T&Cs
  3. email your dogs vaccination certificate to We CANNOT accept receipts, medical history or vaccination booklets as proof of vaccination. Please call your vet and request a copy of your dogs "vaccination certificate"
  4. once we receive all of your paperwork, we will contact you to confirm the first available assessment date 
  • New customers are required to set up recurring bookings on the first day or during the enrolment process
  • Day care bookings are a requirement with a minimum of 1 day a week attendance
  • We DO NOT accept fortnightly bookings or ad hoc bookings for new enrolments 
  • Recurring bookings are subject to acceptance based on capacity and availability
  • If we are unable to offer you your preferred day due to capacity, we can add you to our wait list and move you over once a place becomes available



Enrolment Form

 you MUST read our T&Cs thoroughly before signing

Enrolment Form
Owners Information
Name *
Mobile *
Address *
Postcode *
Your email *
Partner *
Partners Mobile *
Partners email *
Emergency contact *
Mobile *
If not listed on this form who is authorised to pick up your dog from day care? *
Please note: We will not release your dog to anyone that is not listed on this form. Please contact us if you wish to add additional authorised people to this list.
How did you hear about us? *
Does your dog have an Instagram page? *

During Covid lockdown we are permitted to provide day care to essential workers or those who have a genuine need for our service. Could you please provide us with the following information so we can determine if your pet can continue attending day care during any future lockdowns.
Are you an essential worker? an essential worker is anyone that is permitted to work *
If YES - Please provide your occupation
If NO - Do you have genuine need for our service?
This can include if you are working from home and have a dog that is disrupting your work (calls or online meetings) high energy / anxious / excessive barker etc.
Having to leave your home for any of the 5 reasons and your dog cannot be left at home for any of the above reasons, suffers from separation anxiety or you are a carer.
If there are any other reasons you feel that you have a genuine need for our service please call us to discuss.

Dog Details
Dogs Name *
Breed *
Colour *
Special Markings *
Sex *
Desexed *
Microchip Number *
Does your dog have any medical issues? *
Details *
Treats are given at day care. Does your dog have any allergies?
Details *
Does your dog have regular flea, heart worm and intestinal treatment? *
Name of treatment? *

Vet Details
Name of vet *
Phone Number *
Address *
Post Code *

Where did you get your dog? *
If adopted please provide dogs history if known *
Has your dog had any training? *
Is your dog crate trained? *
If yes, where *
What is your reason for choosing day care? *
Has your dog been socialised regularly with people? *
Has your dog been socialised regularly with other dogs? *
What prior social experience has your dog had with other dogs? *
How does your dog interact with other dogs off lead? *
How does your dog greet other dogs on lead? *
Has your dog ever shown any aggression to other dogs? *
If yes please list details
What is your dog’s play style? *

Does your dog have any problems in the following areas
Mouthing *
Barking *
Fence Jumping *
Jumping *
Urinating/spraying *
Mounting *
Eating dog poo *
Possessive of *
Sensitivity to touch *
Separation anxiety *
Shyness/anxious *
If YES to any of these questions, please provide details *

Please put your full name *
Date *
Please note: Excessive barking, mounting, bullying or fence jumping can result in day care being discontinued
* Required fields

Don't forget to email your vaccination certificate to

Please note - We CANNOT accept receipts, medical history or vaccination booklets as proof of vaccination. Please call your vet and request a copy of your dogs vaccination certificate

ALL documents must be emailed to us, and the online form filled in at least 24 hours prior to your first day. We are unable to confirm your booking until a ALL paperwork has been received.